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Asking for a raise can be a source of stress but it doesn’t have to be. Communicate your thoughts clearly, make a strong case for yourself, and you will be in great shape to asking for what you want. Of course it’s not guaranteed that your request will be granted, depending mainly on the economic shape your company is in, but you will accomplish more when you come to the table armed and ready. Here are some tips:

1) Do your homework. Come to the bargaining table already knowing what your work is worth. Look at salary scales online for industry and geographic location. Salary websites will give you a rough range, but at least you’ll be able to evaluate the top and the bottom range for your job in your location.
2) Ask around. Sometimes salary can be a taboo subject but oftentimes people are willing to give you a ballpark number for what they make, and you can use these numbers to try and decide where you fit in. You won’t know until you ask.
3) Learn your company’s salary structure. If your company is widely known to give raises in the 2-4 percent range, it’s unlikely your request for a 10 percent range would be granted, especially if you haven’t had some kind of significant promotion. If you’re not realistic, plan on being disappointed.

Get more exciting communication tips in Your Self-Sabotage Survival Guide by Karen Berg. Read more here:

Karen Berg