Services We Provide
Media Training
There’s no room for error in today’s fast-react media world. We define what to say and how to say it so, you are ready for your interviews. Body language, vocal inflection, what you wear, every facet you present has meaning. Our skilled coaches will help you establish a foundation of habits so when it’s go time, you don’t even have to think—you just do it the way we’ve practiced.
Crisis Prevention Training
The best way to prevent trouble is to stop it from happening in the first place. We assess, analyze and form rules of operation that never allow your company to get into a situation where you are defending yourself. Get ahead and create an environment where your people understand how to conduct themselves in your workplace.
Strategic Message Development
How do you stand out? What does it take to breakthrough in a world where attention spans are short and true connections are fragile. The CommCore Strategy team will listen to you and extract the most powerful messages and turn them into messaging points that stick.
Crisis Training & Management
Even the best prepared companies may suddenly have to deal with an unexpected situation that could be crippling. The most important component of getting out of a crisis is take swift and clear action. CommCore has the experience to quickly assess what needs to be communicated. We then work around-the-clock with your communications team to control the situation with authority.
Thought Leadership Development
How do you cultivate a messaging strategy that sticks and withstands the test of time? We start by getting to the heart of why you are in business. This purpose drives our process. Our team is able to take complex source material and transform it into powerful, cogent thoughts.
Storytelling & Messaging
Specificity rules. If you can’t get to the exact details, your audience will not fully understand you or worse, not give you the desired results you seek. CommCore asks the tough questions in our workshops to help you arrive at ways to tell your story with the passion and specificity to guarantee that you make a true connection with your target audiences.
Storytelling is as old as language itself. It is a part of who we are dating back to when we dwelled in caves. The human brain reacts differently to stories than it does to data. Our own research, back by scientific studies, clearly displays that listening to presentations with stories activates more centers of the brain associated with acceptance and retention than presentations without them.
We can help you tell your story.
Product Launches & Special Events
So you have a great idea and you’ve done the R&D to bring it to market. How do you get the word to spread and how do you get those who hear about it to take action?
Today’s media landscape requires a multi-channel approach. In the competitive landscape, how do you get noticed? Our experts will create and execute on strategy that grabs attention.
Presentation Skills
There are those who are good at presenting. Then there are those who capture a room. Be the person who captures the room. Our time-tested techniques can be learned with one workshop. Make presenting with magnetism second nature.
You can either bring your message to life, or get in the way of it. People will remember you longer than what you tell them. If they remember you in a positive way, it helps them retain your bottom line message.
Presentations Skills are not only gestures, voice, and eye contact, but an attitude you bring to the platform or to the boardroom. The right mental posture is as important as the physical one. We will help you with both.
Meeting Moderator Services
Advisory Boards can be the best way to ascertain your products true value to the marketplace. In house round table discussions are a valuable and underutilized tool in developing strategies or advancing ideas from concept to product. Communications amongst different divisions are not only dependent on each speaking the same language, but seeing the same vision and understanding fully how interconnected each is in achieving success.
Our Moderators are experts at getting to the heart of the matter. Key players in discussions are often so focused on their responsibilities, they can loose sight of the big picture. We take away the pressure of trying to please or impress the boss. By guiding discussions with active and reactive questioning, we can bring your group from “I already know” to “Ah, I see.”
Improved vision, understanding, cooperation, process, and profit are possible when an expert Moderator is involved in your discussions.
What We Do
CommCore Strategy defines and answers important questions:
What are your communications themes and objectives?
What proofs do you have to support your messages?
How will competitors/stakeholders/customers react to each message?
How can you shape public perception on controversial issues?
What statements and messages will be most persuasive?
How to test and measure messages?
The work product from the CommCore includes:
Message Map
Executive Message Summary and Supporting Detail
FAQ Document
Short- and Long-term Communications Plans
Shadowing an individual
Story Archeology: Unearthing the Stories of Your Brand
Crafting the story to help its message resonate
Using examples to create visualizations that keep your message with your audience.
Personalize the message with your story
Fostering connection through openness, vulnerability, and helping the message stick.
How to disarm your audience so they can hear your message.