
The latest in communications strategy


In the workplace, you will get the best results when you speak to your staff like they are confident, competent adults. There’s a phrase: You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. This is especially true when bringing out the best in the people who work for you. Here are some tips on how to make your staff feel valued, empowered, and motivated to do their best work for you.

1) Make eye contact. This is easy enough when you’re face-to-face with a person, but it’s also essential on a video call. Make sure when someone is speaking to look right into the camera on your computer screen.
2) Say “we” instead of “I.” Using “we” is more inclusive and shows that you consider your relationship with your employee more of a collaboration or team, and less of a servant-master dynamic.
3) Repeat. When your staff member communicates with you, repeat some of what they say back to them to assure them you are listening and that you want to ensure you fully understand what they intended to convey.
4) Say less and listen more. Don’t speak over your employees or try to bring them to the conclusions you want them to draw. Allow them a forum to speak their mind, respectfully, and be open to what they have to say. You may not always like it, but you’ll have more success if you listen.
5) Write it down. If one of your employees comes to you with an issue, take it seriously and let them know that you are. Show that you are through your actions. Take notes while you speak and assure them that you take them seriously.

Get more exciting communication tips in Your Self-Sabotage Survival Guide by Karen Berg. Read more here:

Karen Berg