
The latest in communications strategy

Dead Weight Detox Plan

This is something you'll be doing over the course of your life, but we're going to start here by looking at FIVE prominent people in your life. Choose one from each of these areas:

1. Family

2. Friends

3. Professional Life

4. Hobby or Avocation

5. Community

Open your journal and write each of their names at the top of a new page. Now, concentrating on each one individually:

-List 5 things that you like about that person

-List 5 things that you don't like about that person

-How do you feel before you see that person?

-How do you feel after seeing this person?

-Can you tell this person anything?

-How does this person enrich your life? Can you think of specific examples?

-Does this person detract from you? Again, specific examples here.

NOTE: It is incredibly important to be honest in this exercise. Consider this as simply an exploration for now. Just because your findings reveal your life would be a better place without this person does not mean you need to dump them today, or even ever. My hope is that when you see, on paper, who in your life is “quality” and who isn't, you'll make it a point to give more of your time and yourself to the quality people, and sacrifice less of these things when you have to suffer the other. Toxic people just by association will sabotage you and aid you in self-sabotage: Don't engage in their energy. 

Repeat this exercise at least once a week as you go through your contacts and associates and get a better idea of who you should hold on to and who you should seriously consider cutting loose. 

Get more exciting communication tips in Your Self-Sabotage Survival Guide by Karen Berg. Read more here:

Karen Berg