A job interview is your chance to shine for a new employer and it starts days before you enter the office to meet your potential new boss. Here are some tips to get ready days before the big meeting.
1) Prepare questions. You will always be asked during an interview if you have any questions. Be sure you have a list of 8-10 questions ready to ask to cover you as if you only have 1 or 2, these could easily be answered during the interview process and then you’ll be left with nothing to ask at the end.
2) Understand the environment. You can do online research or maybe there’s someone at the company who can clue you into the corporate culture so you don’t wear a navy blue suit to a hip company or come underdressed to a more conservative one.
3) Be honest with yourself. No one is good at everything and if you have areas of weakness, you need to come to terms with these and figure out how to spin them into potential strengths or at least into areas you’re actively working to improve.
4) Practice. Wrangle a family or friend to do a mock interview with you. Record the interview and pay attention to your answers and your delivery, and how you can improve these.
5) Rate your performance. Do more than one mock interview and rate yourself each time. Always strive to be better.
Get more exciting communication tips in Your Self-Sabotage Survival Guide by Karen Berg. Read more here: