Remember when you were a teenager and your parents may have chided you to “watch your tone?” They were actually doing you a favor. Tone plays a huge role in how you get your message across and how people respond to what you’re trying to say to them. Here are some quick tips for achieving “perfect pitch” with your tone.
1) Breathe from your diaphragm. When you bring your breath all the way down into you and not just in your face, it helps you control your voice. Singers know this especially. The power “belt” comes from the diaphragm, not the throat.
2) Vary pitch. Another one singers know well, but it really applies to everyone. You don’t want to speak in one tone, otherwise known as monotone. (“Bueller. Bueller. Anyone.”) That will only put your listener to sleep.
3) Speak slowly. It takes time for people to process your words and if you speak too quickly, your message can be lost. Consciously try to slow your speech when you speak and you will keep your listener better engaged.
4) Soften your tone. You can still be firm and assertive but speaking too loudly will only make you sound aggressive.
5) Don’t mumble. Sounds like your parents again! But seriously, be sure to spend time on every word and articulate like you mean it. Mumbling will make it seem like you’re not really vested in what you’re saying—so why should anyone else care?
Get more exciting communication tips in Your Self-Sabotage Survival Guide by Karen Berg. Read more here: