If you’re not reading your room, meaning, if you’re not connecting with and speaking to your audience correctly, you’re not going to get your message across effectively. Here are some quick tips you can use to make sure your words are landing right:
1) Audience is smiling, leaning in. This is good news. It means you have your listeners’ interest and engagement. Whatever you’re doing, keep going.
2) Audience is silent, looking down. Warning: Your listener is feeling awkward about what you’re saying. Take a pause. Let them process. Acknowledge the awkwardness. Move on.
3) Hardened expressions, head-rubbing. You’re making them mad. Break the mood with some light small talk. Focus on the future. Acknowledge the topic of discussion exists, that you know it’s a sore point, and that you can work together to fix it going forward.
4) Dazed expressions, furrowed brows. Your audience is confused by what you’re saying. Find a different way to say it.
5) Quiet, avoiding eye contact with you. What you’re saying is making them worried or anxious. Slow your talking and show your concern. Let empathy light the way. You’ll be amazed out how far empathy will take you in any communication with anyone.
Get more exciting communication tips in Your Self-Sabotage Survival Guide by Karen Berg. Read more here: