
The latest in communications strategy

“I’m too fat and afraid it’s holding me back in getting a new job”

Of the many, many emails I receive based on my book, Your Self-Sabotage Survival Guide, this is one of the most troubling.

I suppose it’s because I, too, have spent a lifetime trying to manage my weight. I’ve never been morbidly obese but, at times close to it. I have yo-yo dieted my way from a size 12 to a size 8 and back again at least once a year. That behavior is far more dangerous than being continually overweight. If you bounce back and forth in weight on a regular basis you’re setting your body on a trajectory that could hurt your health long term. I lost my gall bladder due to yo-yo dieting habits.

Would it be better if you were in the range of only 30-40 pounds over your ideal weight? Yes. If you are 100 pounds overweight you will most likely face discrimination. That is a cold hard fact of our society.
But there is very competent help out there for you.
Accomplished, honest, successful weight management companies proliferate in the marketplace nowadays.
My favorite weight loss program was Weight Watchers and through their program and meetings I lost 40 pounds. But more important than losing the weight –although that was pretty marvelous—was that I gained knowledge about the proper way to get my nutrients. It’s good common sense. “Oh that,” you say.

I guarantee you if you went online and found a Weight Watchers meeting near where you live you will find a new community of like minded people. You will be able to share your thoughts, gain advice while losing weight and maybe, just maybe you may find a future employer in the population attending the meetings. Truly. I did. Weight Watchers changed my life and I could stop sabotaging my life.

Get more exciting communication tips in Your Self-Sabotage Survival Guide by Karen Berg. Read more here:

Karen Berg