
The latest in communications strategy

Back to One

Now that we’re “Back to One” (in movie-making parlance, meaning back to the beginning of the scene) and starting over due to nationwide spikes of COVID-19, we’re experiencing a huge uptick in emotional distress, according to the CDC. Everyone’s feeling more emotional and on edge. 

It’s more important now than ever before to figure out what can have a calming effect on us during this time and keep at it. Not overeating. Not excessive drinking or turning to pills. But a healthy, even productive way to keep the apathy and a general lack of energy we’re feeling at bay.

For me, that calming activity is gardening. Whether that means managing a few pots of cherry tomatoes on my small terrace or in pots growing in my living room, I’m learning you don’t need to have access to the outside to grow vegetables. You need light and water, and the desire to nurture your plants to grow their delicious, nutritious bounty.

When I’m working in my pots of tomatoes, my breathing immediately quiets and my heart rate decelerates. A sense of peace flows over me as I till the soil in these nondescript clay pots. Every time I pick a ripe cherry tomato, I smile at my achievement, making me again feel calmer. 

I advise you to take up gardening on any level. I promise you it will help calm the sea of anger mixed with fear that courses through your blood stream during this tragic time in our history. It won’t be a cure-all, but it can at least be an easy, positive way to alleviate some of the emotional stress that’s causing you difficulty in keeping track of things and in making decisions. 

What are some ways you’re dealing with emotional stress in these trying months? Leave a comment to share. 

Get more tips about getting out of your own way in Your Self Sabotage Survival Guide by Karen Berg:

Karen Berg