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Are you a saboteur?

We all think “the others” are saboteurs never us. Well, sadly we can be self-saboteurs possibly more often than “the others” who are trying to sabotage our dreams.

Here are some types of self-saboteurs. Do you recognize yourself?

The Ostrich - If you ignore the problem or hide from the problem, the problem will go away. And you hide from it in plain sight. 

The Bear - If you bully the problem, wave your hands around and growl menacingly at the problem, the problem will go away. 

The Skunk – You handle fear and rejection by getting defensive, by “shooting your stink” at others and making your shortcomings their problem. 

The Possum – You'd rather “play dead” then own your fears or mistakes. 

The Mole – You're not blind to the issues; you only see what you chose to see. 

The Lemming – You feel most comfortable just going along with the crowd, even if the crowd is swimming into a giant fisherman's net. 

The Salmon – You're constantly swimming upstream, against the current, to try and get to your goals. 

The Squirrel – You don't know where your “nuts” are...

The Mosquito – You think the way to get results is to annoy them out of others by constantly buzzing around them. 

The Kangaroo – You jump from one thing to the next, never actually accomplishing anything. 

The Sloth – You're “never quite ready” to take advantage of any given opportunity that arrises. 

The Pig -  You think appearance is not everything, or perhaps “anything” to you – except it’s mostly everything. 

The Peacock – The opposite of the Pig, you let vanity get in the way of opportunity.

The Entitlement Beast (aka “Human”) - You'll never see another “entitled animal” in the animal kingdom because an entitled animal is a dead animal. 

You need to become aware. We all need to become more aware. You need to be honest with yourself about how you're sabotaging yourself. You need to understand what self-sabotage is, and what about your behavior is self-sabotaging. It all starts with awareness. 

Go forth and conquer!

Get more exciting communication tips in Your Self-Sabotage Survival Guide by Karen Berg. Read more here:

Karen Berg